This blog is intended to create a dialogue about learning to receive with grace and ease.

So much has been written about the importance of giving that we forget that in order to give,

someone has to be receiving.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Remembering What I Knew Has Just Paid Off

Two weeks ago I wrote about how I was using the practice of remembering what I know to manifest a new job opportunity. Three different times in my life I experienced receiving a wonderful new job without any great effort on my part. I’ve been taking time daily to recall each of these situations in detail and re-experiencing the feelings of joy and excitement I had. This week I began a new job is that is truly ideal! Let me tell you more about this process because it’s so much fun and really effective.

Very often when we need something badly we become anxious and worried about it. These negative feelings come from negative thoughts that it won’t come and imaginings about what will happen to us as a result. We use our imaginations in the worst possible way: rather than seeing only the highest and best for ourselves, we see only the worst case scenarios happening.

To avoid this process, when remembering what we know we recall times in our lives when things did work out, when we got exactly what we desired or more. We’ve all had these experiences, so the first step is to take the time to recall them. If you’ve fallen into the negative thinking habit, it may take a while to excavate them from your memory bank. Find a quiet time and place to allow yourself to go back in time mentally. You can divide your life into categories such as family, professional, health and so forth. It might suit you better to examine blocks of time, such as childhood, high school, college, single years, and the like. As the experiences come back to mind, write them down. Remember who you were at the time, what you did beforehand and how you felt, exactly how your desire manifested, and what your response was. Really feel the feelings again. It should feel fabulous!

My job experiences took place during college, in the early 1990s, and about ten years ago. In each case I took an easy, natural step. I recall that I had no specific expectations in mind and the results were bigger than I had imagined in even general terms. This is what exactly happened recently. Two weeks ago I mentioned to my current boss that I was looking for additional work. She mentioned that another leader in our organization occasionally needed part time help, if I was interested. I said I was, and the leader called me last week, just a few days after my conversation with my boss. The position was part time, allowing me to continue marketing my current book and write my new one. It paid well, used the knowledge I had, and promised to enable me to learn much more. I went for an interview three days later and starting work just three days after that!

This process worked so well that I’m committed to seeing how I can use it again to take my next step. Give it a try, and let me know how you make out.

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