This blog is intended to create a dialogue about learning to receive with grace and ease.

So much has been written about the importance of giving that we forget that in order to give,

someone has to be receiving.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Thanks to Wayne Dyer

“You are important enough to ask and you are blessed enough to receive back.”
Wayne Dyer 
If you subscribe to Science of Mind magazine, you’ve probably seen that Wayne Dyer is featured in the January 2013 issue.  This got me to reflecting on how much he has given to me over the years.  I’d like to share of few of Dyer’s teachings that continue to bless me, as he is a masterful receiver:
·       “I never worry about money.  I know I can always make more.”  I heard him say this one time, and one of my goals is to be able to say this with as much conviction as he does.  I’m making progress!
·       “Don’t own that.”  By “that” Dyer was referring to other people’s issues, problems, gripes, and so forth. As a parent, it is especially easy to own our children’s problems, although the older they get, the less those problems are ours to fix.  This phrase might also be useful with spouses, co-workers, or anyone else who may blame us for something unjustifiably.
·       On a related note, Dyer once explained that you can't control your reputation, because that’s determined by others. What we can control is our character.  So let’s not own others’ opinions of us either.
·       Years ago Dyer pointed out that children can do more than we usually give them credit for. His children did laundry at the age of 8.  What can you empower your kids with this busy holiday season?
·       “Being against anything weakens you, while being for something empowers you.  Be for peace not against war.”  The first time I heard him speak on this, he referenced Mother Teresa who said she would never participate in an antiwar rally, but she would attend a pro-peace rally.  I wish more people had adopted this approach during this last election!

Sunday, December 2, 2012

You Are Not What You Feel

As I pointed out a couple of weeks ago, many spiritual teachers caution strongly about the ways we phrase things. While I agree about avoiding limiting language, I do think the issue can be taken too far.  For instance, when it comes to weight loss, some say we should “release” weight, not “lose” it, I guess because we might find it again.  Or perhaps it’s because “loss” has such a negative connotation.  After working for Weight Watchers for five years, though, I’ve seen hundreds of people successfully lose weight, so I hold no fear of the phrase.

David Friedman makes a point about wording that I think is well worth considering, however.  He suggests that we should exchange “I am” with “I feel” much of the time.  As I understand him, “I am” statements are best reserved for declarations of truth about ourselves, describing characteristics that are immutable.  Let’s say “I am a child of God” but “I feel hungry.”  Or “I am divinely blessed” although I may “feel” frustrated, disappointed, or angry.  Saying we feel these things rather than we are them acknowledges that they’re temporary situations, not a way of being.

When it comes to enhancing our ability to receive, let’s keep the “I am” statements positive and know it’s okay to acknowledge our feelings at that moment: I feel limited from time to time, but in reality I am prospered when I remember that “I have a rich Father who’s taking care of this,” (to borrow one of Charles Fillmore’s most delightful affirmations).  I feel impatient, but I am on the way to realizing the abundance I desire.  I am grateful, and I am capable of receiving all I need with grace and ease.  How about you?