For those who are seeking to receive, this is a noteworthy idea. Being a person of increase will attract to you the people who can be of assistance. There are so many ways to be someone who increases other people and situations. It may be as simple as really seeing the cashier at the supermarket, commenting on another’s new clothing or hairstyle, holding a door open, or picking up litter in the parking lot. It might mean being the first to apologize or to overlook a slight altogether. When I was a corporate trainer, we strived to leave rooms in better shape than they were when we arrived. As a consultant, I retained my position for years even during slow periods by being a person of increase. Whatever the assignment was, I set the intention to provide a bit more. When I wrote a report, I added a table of contents. After a training session, I’d compile the results of the evaluations and include a summary along with the individual forms.
Being a person of increase is a way of giving throughout the day. When we give, we place ourselves in the flow to receive. It also just feels good; maybe that’s what draws others to us after all.
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